您所在的位置: 首页> 电源技术> 设计应用> COB-LED厂房灯翅片偏转角对散热性能影响研究
饶 刚,杨东恒,王 威
武汉科技大学 机械传动与制造工程湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉430081
摘要:针对圆形LED光源的发热特点,初步设计直线式翅片散热器。利用ANSYS Icepak对其进行热仿真分析,发现散热器中心部位有温度集聚现象。为解决散热器中心的温度聚集,采用极坐标点拟合法建立翅片曲线,将直线式翅片散热器改进为曲线式翅片散热器。建立6种不同偏转角度的曲线式翅片模型并进行热仿真。研究发现当翅片偏转角为40°时晶元芯片温度最低,同时散热器均温效果最好,且散热器质量较轻。制造厂房灯样机并进行温度测试,发现仿真结果与实测结果温度误差小于4%,验证了研究的合理性。
中文引用格式:饶刚,杨东恒,王威. COB-LED厂房灯翅片偏转角对散热性能影响研究[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(5):102-106.
英文引用格式:Rao Gang,Yang Dongheng,Wang Wei. Effecting study of the radiator fin deflecting angle to COB-LED workshop lamp on the heat dissipation performance[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(5):102-106.
Effecting study of the radiator fin deflecting angle to COB-LED workshop lamp on the heat dissipation performance
Rao Gang,Yang Dongheng,Wang Wei
Hubei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission and Manufacturing Engineering,Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081,China
Abstract:A straight fin radiator was designed for dissipating the working heat of a circular LED lighting-source. According to thermal simulation analysis to straight fin radiator on ANSYS Icepak, it was found that there was high temperature agglomeration in the center of straight fin radiator. In order to solve the problem of temperature accumulation in the center of the radiator, the fin curve was established by the polar coordinate point fitting method, and the linear fin radiator was improved to the curve fin radiator. Six kinds of curved fin models with different deflection angles were established and simulated. The results show that when the radiator fin deflection angle is 40°, the temperature of the chip is the lowest, the effect of radiator temperature equalization is the best, and the weight of radiator is reasonable. The temperature error between simulation and measurement is less than 4%, which verifies the rationality of the research.
Key words :circular LED light source;curved fin;deflection angle;radiator;thermal simulation analysis

0 引言

COB(chip on board)-LED是将多个LED晶元芯片封装在同一块基板上,实现光源的模块化以便于生产安装。COB-LED具有光效高、光照均匀等优点,但是这种光源在工作时热流密度大,如果晶元芯片产生的热量无法通过散热器有效导出到环境中,则会造成晶元芯片的结温升高、光强下降及使用寿命缩短等问题,从而影响灯具的性能[1-2]。COB-LED厂房灯主要采用自然对流散热,该散热方式只需在光源上安装散热器,无需添加风冷或者液冷装置,更加节能环保[3]

目前对于圆形COB-LED光源的散热,主要采用圆形底板散热器。散热器翅片主要为直翅片,布局方式为平行式布局和发散式布局,周旭等人的研究表明发散式布局散热效果优于平行式布局[4]。但是这种直翅片散热器翅片间气体流动均匀,不利于强化换热。为增强自然对流散热,PARK S J等人采用在圆形底板上添加中空圆柱,然后在圆柱表面添加开缝翅片布局方式[5]。对翅片进行交错式布局或改变翅片放置角度来增强自然对流散热[6-7]。为增强圆形底板散热器中心散热效果,Schmid等在散热器中心进行开孔设计增强散热器中心的对流换热,对开孔直径和高度进行优化[8]。以往的研究都是对直翅片尺寸和散热器布局进行优化解决LED温升问题,并没有从翅片偏转角研究LED散热器的均温和散热性能。本文以初步设计的50 W COB-LED厂房灯直线式翅片散热器为基础,改变传统的散热器优化方式,运用极坐标点拟合法改变翅片的偏转角度,以增强散热器均温和散热效果。对比分析不同偏转角翅片散热器的底板温度、翅片间空气流动特性。以晶元芯片工作温度、散热器热阻、散热器质量等参数作为散热器优劣的评判参数,通过对不同偏转角度散热器模型进行热仿真分析、对比,从而确定出最佳翅片偏转角度[9]



饶 刚,杨东恒,王 威

(武汉科技大学 机械传动与制造工程湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉430081)
