您所在的位置: 首页> 通信与网络> 业界动态> 5G手机有哪些关键细分市场,各市场表现如何?



  The5Gsmartphone market should be analyzed by its three distinctly different segments, says a veteran semiconductor analyst.


  About a dozen market research forecasts predict the number of 5G smartphones will range between half and one billion units by 2023, rising faster than the adoption rate of 4G LTE smartphones. However, 5Gdevicesare best seen segmented into three main segments.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):大约十二个市场研究预测表明,到2023年,5G智能手机的数量将在5亿到10亿个之间,增长速度超过4G LTE智能手机的采用率。 但是,5G设备最好分为三个主要部分。

  In the next three-to-five years, the main segment will be for sub-6 GHz handsets, representing an evolution of the 4G telecom standard. Early high volumes will be in the new 3.5-4.5 GHz frequency range.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):在未来三到五年内,主要部分将用于低于6 GHz的手机,代表了4G电信标准的演变。 早期的高容量将在新的3.5-4.5 GHz频率范围内。

  Sub-6GHz 5G technology is critical since it adds a large frequency spectrum with wide bandwidth to the current heavily saturated 4G and 3G cellular bands, mainly concentrated below the 2.1-GHz frequency. Interestingly, the current 4G technology will continue to evolve and complement sub-6GHz 5G for a variety of reasons I won’t discuss here.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):低于6GHz的5G技术至关重要,因为它为当前严重饱和的4G和3G蜂窝频段增加了带宽的大频谱,主要集中在2.1GHz频率以下。 有趣的是,目前的4G技术将继续发展并补充低于6GHz的5G,原因有很多,我在此不再讨论。

  A second, moredisruptive and revolutionary segment is in millimeter wave (mmwave) 5G, at present mostly at 28 and 39 GHz. The 5G mmwave capability in smartphones will be added on top of sub-6-GHz 5G. By the year 2025, only a third of 5G smartphones will likely have mmwave capability, giving components for the sub-6 segment a 3:1 edge.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):第二个更具颠覆性和革命性的部分是毫米波(mmwave)5G,目前主要是28和39 GHz。 智能手机中的5G mmwave功能将添加到6GHz以下的5G之上。 到2025年,只有三分之一的5G智能手机可能具有mmwave功能,从而为6分段提供3:1的优势。


  到2025年,支持mmwave频段的手机将只占5G智能手机的三分之一。(资料来源:Petrov Group)

  A separate 5G IoT segment addresses data transfer from a very large number of end devices at below gigahertz frequencies. The standards and protocols for 5G IoT are not defined yet, in part because initial optimistic expectations of cellular IoT in 4G have not been met despite big efforts, especially in China.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):单独的5G IoT段解决了来自大量低于千兆赫兹频率的终端设备的数据传输。 5G IoT的标准和协议尚未定义,部分原因是尽管做出了巨大努力,特别是在中国,对4G中蜂窝物联网的初步乐观预期尚未得到满足。

  It’s important to note that in the next few years many smartphones will claim to have 5G capabilities that a network operator can enable with a simple software upgrade of its network. However, the sub-6-GHz and mmwave segments are distinct and significant for several reasons, including regional differences, potential for supply chain disruption and for positioning of smartphone and infrastructure vendors.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):值得注意的是,在未来几年内,许多智能手机将拥有5G功能,网络运营商可通过简单的网络软件升级实现这些功能。 然而,由于若干原因,包括区域差异,供应链中断的可能性以及智能手机和基础设施供应商的定位,6 GHz以下和mmwave分段具有独特性和重要性。

  In the near term mmwave 5G is important primarily in the U.S. market, as well as in the much smaller Japan and South Korea markets. It is aggressively promoted by network operators who pushed for municipal installation permits for base stations in a less time consuming and less expensive manner.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):在短期内,mmwave 5G主要在美国市场以及规模小得多的日本和韩国市场中占有重要地位。 它由网络运营商积极推动,他们以更少的时间和更便宜的方式推动基站的市政安装许可。

  Actual use cases for mmwave 5G are somewhat unconvincing and uncertain due to cost and performance challenges. The much larger sub-6GHz market is expected to blossom in Asia, mostly in China. Thus, it could be dominated by Huawei’s wireless infrastructure equipment.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):由于成本和性能方面的挑战,mmwave 5G的实际使用情况有些令人难以置信且不确定。 预计亚洲6GHz以上的市场将大幅增长,主要是在中国。 因此,它可能由华为的无线基础设施设备主导。

  The two segments are significantly different in their likely effect on supply chains in RF front end (RFFE) modules. The sub-6GHz segment likely will extend the current dominance of RFFE module vendors Broadcom, Skyworks, Qorvo, Murata and the more recent fabless entrant, Qualcomm.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):这两个部分在RF前端(RFFE)模块中对供应链可能的影响方面存在显着差异。 低于6GHz的市场可能会扩大RFFE模块供应商Broadcom,Skyworks,Qorvo,Murata以及最近的无晶圆厂进入者高通公司的主导地位。

  The mmwave segment brings challenges in cost, low power, new materials, packaging, and testing. In particular, mmwave transmitters need to be very close to antenna arrays, preferably in the same system-in-package. Thus, they are likely to disrupt the established supply chain, giving an advantage to modem suppliers such as Qualcomm, Samsung, HiSilicon, MediaTek, and Unisoc.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):mmwave一定程度上带来了成本,低功耗,新材料,封装和测试方面的挑战。 特别是,mmwave发射器需要非常靠近天线阵列,最好是在相同的系统级封装中。 因此,它们可能会扰乱已建立的供应链,从而为高通,三星,海思,联发科和Unisoc等现代供应商带来机遇。

  Huawei/HiSilicon is effectively prevented from competing in the U.S. 5G market today. That’s giving Samsung a big incentive to compete in 5G segments against Apple and its supplier Qualcomm.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):今天,华为/海思开云棋牌官网在线客服无法在美国5G市场上有效地竞争。 这给三星带来了与苹果及其供应商高通公司竞争5G领域的巨大动力。

  A high priority for Samsung is to build up its volumes in foundry wafers as well as IC packages (note its investments in panel-level fan-out capability) in order to compete against TSMC. Samsung already has reclassified support of its smartphone group as part of its foundry business.


  Samsung also stated a goal to become the third largest global supplier of wireless infrastructure equipment. In the next few years, it will be very active in achieving its corporate strategy goals.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):三星还宣布了要成为全球第三大无线基础设施供应商的目标。 在未来几年,它将非常积极地实现其企业战略目标。

  Overall, market segmentation for 5G smartphones will continue to evolve. And 5G has major implications beyond smartphones for a large number of other markets and industries.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):总体而言,5G智能手机的市场细分将会继续发展。 对于其他市场和行业而言,在智能手机之外5G具有重大意义。

  -Boris Petrov is managing partner of the Petrov Group. He spent the last ten years leading market intelligence and strategic marketing at the SCL/JCET group and previously held positions at Intel, Zilog, Siemens, McKinsey, Boston Consulting, and Booz-Allen.

  机器翻译(仅供参考):-Boris Petrov是Petrov集团的管理合伙人。 最近十年,他在SCL / JCET集团担任市场情报和战略营销的领导。此前曾在英特尔,Zilog,西门子,麦肯锡,波士顿咨询公司和Booz-Allen担任过职务。
