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Strategy Analytics:物联网,UEM,RCS,LBS和5G网络将在2019年塑造企业科技的竞争生态

关键词: 物联网 uem RCS

  BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mobile has transformed the way we work, interact and even spend our time owing to various technological advancements. GDPR, Brexit, California privacy law, device fragmentation and mobile security issues, among others, are making it difficult for businesses to stay compliant and competitive, but technology and solutions such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), Rich Communication Services (RCS), mobile UCaaS and mobile business apps adoption, will all pick up pace in the next few years, which will empower business owners by means of increasing cyber-defense, productivity and improving collaboration and communication.

  由于各种技术的进步,移动已经改变了我们的工作和互动方式以及我们花费的时间。 GDPR、英国脱欧、加利福尼亚隐私法、设备碎片化和移动安全问题等等,使企业难以保持合规性和竞争力,但5G、人工智能、企业移动管理(EMM)、统一终端管理(UEM)、富通信服务(RCS)、移动UCaaS和移动商业应用程序等技术和解决方案的采用将在未来几年内加快步伐,这将通过提高网络防御、提高生产力和改善协作和沟通来增强企业的实力。

  According to Gina Luk, Principal Analyst of Mobile Workforce Strategies at Strategy Analytics and author of the report, “Despite global political issues and economic woes, global mobile workforce spending remains healthy. According to Strategy Analytics’ latest Enterprise Survey, 42% of surveyed companies indicated IT spending will increase 1-6% in next 5 years and another 25% will increase 6-10% in next 5 years. The outlook for operators is also positive, with strong with trust in telco-based enterprise apps (compared to OTT providers) and growing interest in Location-based Services (LBS). Rich Communication Services (RCS) and Artificial Intelligence are ranked as the most important investment areas for many businesses, while Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) is a hot area for 2019 and beyond. On top of that, automation remains a key opportunity to boost productivity and efficiency. Enterprise mobility solutions can play a crucial role in this area.”

  Strategy Analytics移动专业人士战略研究服务首席分析师兼该报告作者Gina Luk表示,“尽管全球面临政治问题和经济困境,全球移动专业人士支出仍保持健康。Strategy Analytics的最新企业调查研究报告指出,42%的受访公司表示未来5年IT支出将增长1-6%,而25%的受访公司表示未来5年将增长6-10%。企业对基于电信的企业应用程序(与OTT提供商相比)的信任度很强,对基于位置的服务(LBS)的兴趣也在增长,因此运营商的前景也很乐观。 富通信服务(RCS)和人工智能被许多企业列为最重要的投资领域,而统一终端管理(UEM)是2019年及以后的热门领域。 最重要的是,自动化仍然是提高生产力和效率的关键机会。 企业移动解决方案可以在这一领域发挥关键作用。”

  Andrew Brown, Executive Director of Enterprise Research at Strategy Analytics, added, “Successful organizations are looking at agility, faster response to customer or user needs, and other efficiencies – including data protection and privacy. This translates into better outcomes that ensure business survival and success. We can expect more developments in areas like IoT, UEM, RCS, LBS and 5G networks that will shape the enterprise technology landscape in 2019 and beyond.”

  Strategy Analytics企业研究服务执行总监Andrew Brown补充说:“成功的企业正在关注敏捷性,更快地响应客户或用户需求,以及保护数据和隐私。 这可以转化为更好的结果从而确保企业生存和成功。 2019年及以后,我们可以期待物联网,UEM,RCS,LBS和5G网络等领域取得更多发展,这些领域将塑造企业科技领域的竞争生态。”

  In summary, the key trends in 2019 include:


  ·The Advent of 5G, AI and foldable screens will drive business mobile devices adoption in future, but not in 2019, where replacement cycles are generally becoming longer.


  ·Organizations will drive a demand for a holistic and harmonious view of all their data, and ultimately, an exploding intelligent multi-cloud strategy.


  ·Rich Communications Services (RCS) proved its capacity, not only to work as promised, but to make the brands using it some serious returns on investment. 2019 will see RCS deploy at scale.

  ·富通信服务(RCS)证明了其能力,不仅可以按照承诺的方式运作,还可以使品牌获得一应有的投资回报。 2019年企业将会将大规模部署RCS。

  ·UEM will really start taking off in 2019 and eventually evolve to Intelligent Edge Management.


  ·AI voice-controlled assistants will breach the enterprise; 2019 will be the year that devices increase their overall knowledge and intelligence and add more value as augmented intelligence tools.

  ·AI语音控制助手将会颠覆企业的工作模式; 2019年,设备将增加其整体知识和智能,并增加更多价值作为增强型智能工具。

  ·Chatbots are on the rise and will dominate customer service.


  ·Organizations will scale Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) deployments to the next level, 2019 will see more partnerships, broader interoperability of technologies and solutions, larger-scale rollouts


  ·Realizing the promise of IoT and edge computing in order to help companies managing device, data and security efficiently.

