您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > 基于ADL5354设计的高性能RF混频方案
摘要: 本文介绍ADL5354主要特性,方框图以及典型应用,评估板电路图和元件配置表.
Key words :

   ADL5354是高度线性双平衡(RF和LO平衡)RF混频器,输入频率从2300 MHz 到2900MHz.平衡的无源混频器具有良好的LO-RF泄漏,优于-35dBm.IF频率范围从30MHz到450MHz,功率转换增益8dB,单边带(SSB)噪音10dB,输入IP3为25dBm,输入P1为11dBm,LO典型驱动为0dBm.工作电压3.3V-5.0V,主要用在蜂窝无线基站接收器,无线链接下变换器等.本文介绍ADL5354主要特性,方框图以及典型应用,评估板电路图和元件配置表.
                  The ADL5354 uses a highly linear, doubly balanced, passive
                  mixer core along with integrated RF and local oscillator (LO)
                  balancing circuitry to allow single-ended operation. The
                  ADL5354 incorporates the RF baluns, allowing for optimal
                  performance over a 2300 MHz to 2900 MHz RF input frequency
                  range. The balanced passive mixer arrangement provides good
                  LO-to-RF leakage, typically better than −35 dBm, and excellent
                   intermodulation performance. The balanced mixer core also
                  provides extremely high input linearity, allowing the device
                  to be used in demanding cellular applications where in-band
                  blocking signals may otherwise result in the degradation of
                  dynamic performance. A high linearity IF buffer amplifier
                  follows the passive mixer core to yield a typical power
                  conversion gain of 8.2 dB and can be used with a wide range of
                  output impedances.
                  The ADL5354 provides two switched LO paths that can be used in
                  TDD applications where it is desirable to ping-pong between
                  two local oscillators. LO current can be externally set using
                  a resistor to minimize dc current commensurate with the
                  desired level of performance. For low voltage applications,
                  the ADL5354 is capable of operation at voltages down to 3.3 V
                  with substantially reduced current. Under low voltage
                  operation, an additional logic pin is provided to power down
                  (<300 μA) the circuit when desired.
                  The ADL5354 is fabricated using a BiCMOS high performance IC
                  process. The device is available in a 6 mm × 6 mm, 36-lead
                  LFCSP and operates over a &#8722;40℃ to +85℃ temperature range.
                  RF frequency range of 2300 MHz to 2900 MHz
                  IF frequency range of 30 MHz to 450 MHz

                 Power conversion gain: 8 dB
                  SSB noise figure of 10 dB
                  Input IP3 of 25 dBm
                  Input P1dB of 11 dBm
                  Typical LO drive of 0 dBm
                  Single-ended, 50 Ω RF and LO input ports
                  High isolation SPDT LO input switch
                  Single-supply operation: 3.3 V to 5 V
                  Exposed paddle, 6 mm × 6 mm, 36-lead LFCSP
                  Cellular base station receivers
                  Transmit observation receivers
                  Radio link downconverters




