您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > p次方检测器的协作频谱感知网络性能优化
张春平, 唐菁敏, 曹金石, 龙 华, 王 飞
昆明理工大学 信息工程与自动化学院,云南 昆明650051
摘要: 在保障主用户通信不受干扰的前提下,合理分配感知系统时隙,最大限度地增大认知网络吞吐量,提出优化方案,在考虑无线瑞利信道和一定错误率的报道信道条件下,对采用p次方检测器的协作频谱感知网络联合优化,得出p次方检测器的次方数和最佳感知时间?子,以使认知网络吞吐量最大。理论分析与仿真结果表明,协作频谱感知网络存在最佳次方数p和最佳感知时间?子,以满足认知网络吞吐量最大化,从而提高网络频谱利用率。
中图分类号: TN929
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 0258-7998(2013)12-0103-04
Performance optimization of cooperation spectrum sensing networks using p-th detector
Zhang Chunping,Tang Jingmin,Cao Jingshi,Long Hua,Wang Fei
Automation and Information Engineering, Kunming university of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051,China
Abstract: On the premise of protecting prime user′ communication without interference, to rationally allocate slots of sensing system and to maximally increase the throughput of the cognitive network, an optimization method is proposed. In considering of Rayleigh channel and report channel with a fixed error rate, cooperative spectrum sensing networks with p-th power detector is joint optimized to obtain of p-th power detector and optimal sensing time and to make the throughput of the cognitive network maximum. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that there exists p-th power and optimal sensing time to make throughput of the cognitive network maximum and to improve the spectrum utilization.
Key words : cognitive networks; cooperative spectrum sensing; p-th power detector; throughput




大吞吐量相差不大,而次方p取其他值时,各曲线最大吞吐量各不相同。由图3可看出,最大吞吐量在0.6附近,且此时最优p在2~3之间,最佳感知时间在0.02附近,与图4中最大吞吐量点P=2.88,τ=0.018,R=0.583 6一致。

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