您所在的位置:首页 > 模拟设计 > 设计应用 > 去耦电容特性阻抗反谐振点的分析与应用
马秀荣1,2,孔德升1,2,吴 健1,2
1.天津理工大学 计算机与通信工程学院,通信器件教育部与工程研究中心,天津300384; 2.天津理工大学 薄膜电子与通信器件天津重点实验室,天津300384
摘要: 电源分配网络(PDN)的阻抗在指定频段内要求足够低。两个不同容值的并联去耦电容可以降低PDN的阻抗,但是其等效特性阻抗所产生的反谐振点也会引入到PDN阻抗中,该点可能会超过目标阻抗,所以需要合理地选取去耦电容器,尽可能降低该点阻抗。从并联电容的等效电路模型出发,推导并验证了电容参数与反谐振点频率、反谐振点阻抗的数学模型;随后通过实例将该模型应用于基于目标阻抗的设计方法中,证明了该模型实施的直观性和有效性。
中图分类号: TN41
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 0258-7998(2013)09-0061-02
Analysis and application of resonance peak on parallel capacitors characteristic impedance
Ma Xiurong1,2,Kong Desheng1,2,Wu Jian1,2
1.Engineering Research Center of Communication Devices Ministry of Education,School of Computer and Communication Engineering,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China; 2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Film Electronic and Communication Devices, Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China
Abstract: The impedance of power distribution work need low enough over a specified band. Two bypass capacitors with different values may create resonance peak, unless the capacitor parameters are selected properly. The mathematical model of capacitor parameters with resonance peak’s frequence and impedance is derivated and verified from the equivalent circuit model of parallel capacitors in this paper. This mathematical model is applied in the design method of target impedance-based by example, which proves the implementation of this model is intutive and effective.
Key words : PCB;PDN;decoupling capacitor;characteristic impedance;resonance peak


1 电容特性阻抗分析


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