AEM (美商AEM科技)推出Fuse、ESD解决方案:
AME4210 90mW, 700mA/1.1A/1.5A/2A High-Side Power Switches with Flag
1、Built-In N-Channel MOSFET with Typically 90mW
2、Output Can Be Forced Higher Than Input (Off-State)
3、Low Supply Current: 50uA Typical at Switch On State 1uA Typical at Switch Off State
4、Input Voltage Ranges: 2V to 5.5V
5、Equal to USB Specifications
6、Open-Drain Fault Flag Output
7、Hot Plug-In Application (Soft-Start)
8、1.7V Typical Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
9、OCP & OTP Protection
10、Reverse Current Flow Blocking (no body diode)
二、Pin Configuration
EUTech (德信科技)推出Power Management、Audio AMP…等解决方案:
Everlight (亿光电子)推出IRM摇控解决方案:
Interquip Electronics (应达利电子)推出Crystal解决方案:
Leadtrend通嘉科技推出LD75xx & LD77xx系列电源解决方案:
Mira产品依不同厂牌的MAIN CHIP,可搭配
DRAM => 512M ~ 1G (*16bit) DDR2 , 1G ~ 4G (*8bit & *16bit) DDR3
Nand Flash => 512M ~ 8G SLC ,16G MLC
Nuvoton (新唐)推出W90N745解决IP CAM主要核心方案:
凯悌集团针对家庭安全监控系统,与3th party合作共同推出低价位IP CAMERA Solution,提供了客户完整的IP CAM解决方案,并可由3th Party提供客户成品或半成品,及提供完整BOM表给予客户自行生产,将可缩短开发时间,以争取市场竞争优势,其IP CAM规格和系统架构图如下:
IP CAM主要核心使用新唐(Nuvoton)W90N745通用型单芯片,内建ARM的32位ARM7TDMI核心及一个以太网络MAC。这些组件采用0.18微米制程,标准操作频率可达80MHz,并采用128接脚LQPF封装,具有省电与低成本的优势。
此外,W90N745整合USB 2.0主控制器,让各种应用可以透过USB接口链接各种计算机外设产品,增加了产品附加价值。而内建的4KB I-Cache及4KB D-Cache也能随产品开发人员的需求设定为芯片上RAM。两款组件均整合外部总线(EBI)接口,可透过EBI接取ROM、Flash、SDRAM、PCMCIA卡等各种I/O。
除USB与EBI外,W90N745留有四组UART接口,可让客户连接更多设备,如条形码扫瞄器、VFD模块、调试端口及蓝芽(Bluetooth)模块等。通用型ARM7产品W90N745则适合网络相关应用如IP Camera、VoIP及打印机服务器等。
声音处理部份, 使用新唐科技(Nuvoton)提供立体声音讯编译码器方案,包括可携式应用的立体声音讯编译码器。新唐emPowerAudio系列新产品WAU8822提供在供电环境下优异的音频质量、讯号噪声比(SNR)达94dB的立体声数字模拟转换器,以及讯号噪声比(SNR)达93dB的立体声模拟数字转换器。该编译码器提供简化的麦克风管理线路,900毫瓦(900mW)的喇叭功率放大,兼具弹性的音频路径切换以及增益的设定,待机的电流消耗只需6微安培(6μA)。
1、36个监控设备常用频率,从3.57MHz到80MHz (如需其他频,可选用SiT1602,SiT8008或SiT8009)
2、工规(-40°C 到85°C)或超商规(-20°C 到70°C)工作温度
6、2.0x1.6mm 到7.0x5.0mm等5种标注封装,于石英引脚100%相容
二、产品优势(Advantages and benefits):
1、频率稳定度一致性优异, 无传统石英温飘问题,提升系统高低温运作可靠性,
3、2.0 x 1.6 mm超小封装,有利于IPCAM进一步的小型化
4、通过程序设计为时钟规格(上升/下降时间,Duty cycle等)做克制化,降低EMI,达到系统设计最理想要求,且不牺牲产品供货期及成本,
5、优于石英40倍的可靠性,抗电磁干扰性(EMS)和电源噪声抑制性能(PSRR), 提升系统耐用性,
三、MEMS振荡器在IPCAM, DVR, CCTV中应用范例:
2、音视频解碼芯片时钟:4.096 / 8.192 / 11.2896 / 12.288 / 22.5792 / 24.576 / 32.768MHz
3、ARM或MCU时钟:10 / 11.0592 / 20 / 66MHz
4、视频编解碼时钟:14.318 / 14.31818 / 27 / 28.6363 / 28.63636 / 28.375MHz
5、CMOS sensor时钟:24 / 27 / 30 / 48 / 50 / 60MHz
6、DSP时钟:30 / 33MHz
7、视频编解碼芯片时钟:27 / 54MHz
8、高清解碼芯片时钟:37.125 / 74,250MHz
五、SiTime其它相关产品信息(More products and options)
請造訪TROQ網站http://www.troq.com或Pernas TROQ PM獲取詳細產品資訊。
Viking推出安全监控系统之Resistor、Power Inductor解决方案:
Viking推出各类SMD零件产品以满足数字监视系统设备如数字录像主机(DVR-Digital Video Recorder)、摄影机、监视器(屏幕)、镜头及其他外围设备等加工制造与组装的成长需求。
Power supply:Resistor(RS Series、CS Series、LR Series、HVR Series)、Power Inductor(Shielded)
Battery Charger:Resistor(RS Series、CS Series、LR Series、AR Series)
Digital Signal Processing/Memory:Resistor(CR Series、CN Series)、Power Inductor
Bluetooth Module:Resistor(AR Series、RT Series、AL Series)
近来摄影机功能突飞猛进,分辨率与反应时间较佳监视用的数字录像系统DVR,已取代分辨率较差的模拟式录像系统VCR,且由于网络越来越发达,安全监控系统也可利用网络发挥更广更远的效能,因此传输的速度就成为关键,USB 3.0即是最佳解决方案,Viking也推出common-mode filter for USB 3.0.
Winbond推出SDRAM、DDR、Spi Flash系列解决Memory方案:
同步动态随机存取内存:16Mb SDRAM、64Mb SDRAM、128Mb SDRAM、256Mb SDRAM
Synchronous DRAM is designed to process data at the same clock speed as the CPU. Therefore, synchronous DRAM is regarded as the core component that is used in high speed processing of large volumes of data. Currently, its usage is expanding to various consumer electronics such as DTV, DSC, HDD and STB.
双倍数据传输速率同步动态随机存取内存:64Mb DDR、128Mb DDR、256Mb DDR
DDR SDRAM or double-data-rate synchronous dynamic random access memory is a type of memory used in computers and consumer electronics. It achieves greater bandwidth than the preceding single-data-rate SDRAM by transferring data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal.
串行式闪存:SpiFlash®Memories with SPI, Dual-SPI, Quad-SPI and QPI
Winbond's W25X and W25Q SpiFlashR Multi-I/O Memories feature the popular Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), densities from 512K-bit to 512M-bit, small erasable sectors and the industry's highest performance. The W25X family supports Dual-SPI effectively doubling standard SPI clock rates. The W25Q family is a "superset" of the 25X family with Dual-I/O and Quad-I/O SPI for even higher performance. Clock rates up to 104MHz achieve an equivalent of 416MHz (50M-Byte/S transfer rate) when using Quad-SPI. This is more than eight times the performance of ordinary Serial Flash (50MHz) and even surpasses asynchronous Parallel Flash memories while using fewer pins and less space. Faster transfer rates mean controllers can execute code (XIP) directly from the SPI interface or further improve boot time when shadowing code to RAM. Additionally, some SpiFlash devices offer the new Quad Peripheral Interface (QPI) supporting true Quad Commands for improved XIP performance and simpler controller circuitry. Additionally, new ultra-small form factor packages are ideal for space constrained mobile and handheld applications.
Leading the Serial Flash Market in unit sales and revenue, Winbond TS16949 certified AEC-Q100 qualified memories now support automotive applications. The automobile has transformed into the most sophisticated electronic device in the market. Digital displays in automotive dashboards provide more information about the car, and improve safety. Instant-on and real time 2D/3D image rendering is achieved with fast processors and SpiFlash memories. ADAS (Advanced Driver Assist Systems), comfort, entertainment, and navigation is now available in the center console and this is addressed with SpiFlash memories using small packages for space constrained systems and high density for advanced applications.