您所在的位置: 首页> 通信与网络> 设计应用> 宽带信号DOA估计自回归迭代算法
张 飞1, 陈客松1, 唐 斌1, 吴宏刚2
1. 电子科技大学 电子工程学院,四川 成都 611731; 2. 中国民用航空局第二研究所,四川 成都 610041
中图分类号: TN953.3
文章编号: 0258-7998(2012)11-0119-03
Wideband signal DOA estimation by using re-iterative algorithm
Zhang Fei1, Chen Kesong1, Tang Bin1, Wu Honggang2
1. School of Electronic Engineering, UESTC, Chengdu 611731, China; 2. The Second Research Institute of CAAC, Chengdu 610041, China
Abstract:This paper proposes a new algorithm, which is based on MMSE, for wideband signal spatial direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. Pass the wideband signal through a bank of narrowband filters to obtain narrowband signals, then recover the sparse representation of the narrowband signals by using re-iterative method, and estimate the number of the sources and DOA from the sparse representation. The new method not only has high resolution, but also do not require the number of sources for direction finding. Furthermore, this algorithm has the ability of estimating coherent signals without decorrelation processing. The simulated results confirmed the effectiveness of the new method.
Key words :reiterative; criterion of MMSE; sparse representation; DOA estimation


1 信号模型
宽带信号的标准处理方法是将接收信号通过窄带滤波器组得到不同频率点的窄带信号[3-5],再对其进行后续处理。设有N个阵元的均匀直线阵列,相邻阵元间距是入射信号最高频率的半波长,远场宽带信号从K (K≤N)个方向θ=[θ1,…,θK]到达阵列,通过D个中心频率在宽带信号频率范围内的窄带滤波器,得到D个不同频率点的窄带信号,频率点fd(1≤d≤D)处阵列单次快拍接收信号的表达式为:

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