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Silabs CP2501单片USB HID触摸屏桥接解决方案

作者:Silabs 公司

Silabs 公司的CP2501是单片USB HID触摸屏桥,通过USB接口把触摸屏控制器和主机连接起来,可工作在多种触摸屏检测技术,包括电阻和电容触摸屏。主要应用在电子书阅读器POS笔记本电脑,平板电脑和游戏机。本文介绍了CP2501主要特性,CP2501方框图和CP250X 开发板套件主要特性以及开发板套件中主板和子板电路图。

CP2501 Single-Chip USB HID Touch-Screen Bridge

The CP2501 USB touch screen bridge connects the touch screen controller with the host through a USB interface. The bridge works with various touch screen sensing technologies, including resistive and capacitive touch. Designers can connect a touch controller using an I2C, UART or SPI interface to a PC system through USB.


Programmable Touch-Screen Interface

- Adds Windows-compatible USB HID touchscreen interface to touch-screen modules
- Supports multiple touch points and pen inputs

- Supports basic mouse functions

- Includes a programmable 8051-based controller that is pre-programmed with USB interface

- Supports most common touch-screen module  interfaces: UART, SPI and I2C. UART Interface

- Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, and 8

- Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, and 2

- Parity: Odd, Even, Mark, Space, and None

- Baud Rates: 9600 bps to 500 kbps SPI Master Interface

- 4-wire SPI Master with Chip Select

- Configurable Clock Polarity and Phase

- Clock speeds up to 4 MHz SMBus / I2C Master Interface

- Operates at configurable clock rates up to 400 kHz

- Supports configurable slave address GPIO Capability

- CP2501 supports 16 GPIO pins

- Configurable as inputs, open-drain outputs or push-pull outputs High-Speed 8051 μC Core

- 48 MHz or 24 MHz system clock

- Pipelined instruction architecture; executes 70% of instructions in 1 or 2 system clocks User Memory Space

- 53 kB Flash

- 3.5 kB RAM USB Peripheral Function Controller

- HID Touch Screen class device

- USB Specification 2.0 compliant (full-speed)

- Built-in oscillator - Configurable USB parameters such as VID, PID, and strings

- Supports remote wakeup Programming Options

- Obtain pre-programmed parts from the factory

- Program memory in-system

- Program over USB using bootloader Supply Voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V

- Built-in voltage supply monitor

- Built-in 3 V regulator Ordering Information

- CP2501-B01-GM (QFN-32, 5x5 mm)Temperature Range: –40 to +85 ℃


Notebook computers



Point of Sale devices

E-book readers


CP250X 开发板套件

The CP2501 Development Kit includes a motherboard that interfaces to a daughter board. The CP2501 Development Daughter Board contains a CP2501 device to be used for preliminary software development.

Numerous input/output (I/O) connections are provided on the motherboard to facilitate prototyping. Figure 3 shows the CP250x Motherboard and indicates locations for various I/O connectors and shows the factory default shorting block positions. Figure 4 shows the available CP250x daughter board.

CP250X 开发板套件包括:

The CP250x Development Kit contains the following items:

CP250x Motherboard

CP2501 Development Daughter Board

CP250x Development Kit Quick-Start Guide

Product information CD-ROM including the following:

Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

SDCC Development Tools

Raisonance Development Tools (evaluation version)

Keil 8051 Development tools (evaluation version)

CP250x Configuration Wizard and Bootloader

Source code examples


AC-to-DC universal power adapter

Two USB cables

图2。CP250X 开发板套件外形图

图3。CP250X 开发板主板电路图(1)

图4。CP250X 开发板主板电路图(2)

图5。CP250X 开发板子板电路图

