



Ford的Ted J. Miller,先生写的很全,这大概就是OEM厂家在电池厂家的配合之下,仍旧要熬那么长段时间才能有所成就的原因了。


The Importance of Energy Storage in Automotive Applications Ted J. Miller August 26, 2009

Electrical Energy Storage for Vehicles: Targets and Metrics Ted J. Miller November 3 2009

Energy Storage: Providing the Bridge to an Electrified Future Ted J. Miller December 8, 2009

Future Lithium Demand in Electrified Vehicles Ted J. Miller August 5, 2010

Automotive Cell Designs

• Durability: material selection and validation,demonstrated long life packaging,manufacturing process and controls
• Abuse tolerance: passive safety features
• Power: internal resistance minimization (component and weld stack up analysis)
• Terminals: proper sealing is critical,sufficient landed area (current carrying without excessive heating),flexibility for bolted and welded connections
• Thermal: validated model of heat generation and transfer
• Low cost: uniformity,manufacturability,low scrap rate

New Technology Requirements

• Data
– Performance (vs. T, SOC, and life)
– Life (cycle and calendar)
– Cost (detailed BOM and model)
– Abuse tolerance (subsystem testing)
• Design information
– Packaging (durability)
– Electrical (high current appropriate)
– Thermal (heat transfer model)
• Models
– MATLAB-based performance and life model
– Thermal (included in MATLAB model if possible)
– Cost (materials, depreciation, labor, overhead, assumptions)
• Credible manufacturing plan
– Plant investment, timing, and production design qualification
– Production materials and equipment suppliers and support
– R&D plan for performance improvement and cost reduction
• Fundamental analysis
– Performance degradation identification and validation


Battery Modeling Requirements
• Performance Model
– Cell-level equivalent circuit model in MATLAB which provides:
1. voltage and current response based on power demand or input,
2. response over the full operating temperature range
3. thermal response during simulated usage
4. degradation behavior as a function of simulated usage/life
• Electrochemical Model
– determine electrode-level behavior and performance limitations over the full operating range (temperature, pulse current and time,ΔSOC, and cell life)
– Verification testing is required to validate the model
• Life Model
– A cell life (cycle and calendar) model must be developed in order to determine to effects of usage and stand time
– The life model must consider the fundamental cell performance deterioration mechanism
– Verification testing & lab analysis is required to validate the model

而最为头疼的安全问题,从FMEA(FTA / FMEA Safety Analysis Model for Lithium-ion Batteries)到Abuse以UL的表格



