
ESWC 2009 大会论文集 目录


ESWC 2009 大会论文集 目录

A Context-Aware Approach for Integrating Semantic Web Technologies onto Mobile Devices
A Core Ontology of Knowledge Acquisition
A Flexible API and Editor for SKOS
A Heuristics Framework for Semantic Subscription Processing
A Reasoning-Based Support Tool for Ontology Mapping Evaluation
A Resource List Management Tool for Undergraduate Students based on Linked Open Data Principles
A Rule System for Querying Persistent RDFS Data
A Tableau Algorithm for Handling Inconsistency in OWL
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies
An Ontology of Resources - Solving the Identity Crisis
Applied Temporal RDF - Efficient Temporal Querying of RDF Data with SPARQL
Applying Semantic Social Graphs to Disambiguate Identity References
Benchmarking Fulltext Search Performance of RDF Stores
CULTURESAMPO - A National Publication System of Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web 2.0
Can RDB2RDF Tools Feasibily Expose Large Science Archives for Data Integration
Collaborative Ocean Resource Interoperability - Multi use of ocean data on the semantic web
Concept Search
Controlled Natural Language for Semantic Annotation
Creating Digital Resources from Legacy Documents
Cupboard - A Place to Expose your Ontologies to Applications and the Community
Dealing with Inconsistencies in DL-Lite Ontologies
Decidability of SHI with Transitive Closure of Roles
Demo - HistoryViz - Visualizing events and relations extracted from Wikipedia
Effects of Using a Research Context Ontology for Query Expansion
Embedding Knowledge Patterns into OWL
Enhancing Service Selection by Semantic QoS
Evolva - A Comprehensive Approach to Ontology Evolution
FO(ID) as an extension of DL with rules
Folksonomy Enrichment and Search
Frame Detection over the Semantic Web
Fuzzy annotation of web data tables driven by a domain ontology
How to Trace and Revise Identities
Hybrid Adaptive Web Service Selection with SAWSDL-MX and WSDL-Analyzer
Hybrid Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs
Improving Ontology Matching using Meta-level Learning
K-Tools - Towards Semantic Knowledge Management
KiWi - A Platform for Semantic Social Software
Knowledge Applications for Life Events - How the Dutch Government Informs the Public about Rights and Duties in the Netherlands
Leveraging Semantic Web Service Descriptions for Validation by Automated Functional Testing
Media meets Semantic Web - How the BBC uses DBpedia and Linked Data to make Connections
Middleware for Automated Implementation of Security Protocols
Mining Semantic Descriptions of Bioinformatics Web Resources from the Literature
MoKi - The Enterprise Modelling Wiki
Modeling and Enforcement of Business Policies on Process Models with Maestro
Multilingual and Localization Support for Ontologies
Neighborhood-based Tag Prediction
ONKI SKOS Server for Publishing and Utilizing SKOS Vocabularies and Ontologies as Services
OntoComP - A Protege Plugin for Completing OWL Ontologies
Ontology Evolution with Evolva
Ontology Integration Using Mappings - Towards Getting the Right Logical Consequences
Ontology Libraries for Production Use - The Finnish Ontology Library Service ONKI
Ontology-based Service Discovery Front-end Interface for GloServ
Pattern-based Annotation of HTML-streams
Predictions for Ontology Development Projects
Querying Trust in RDF Data with tSPARQL
RaDON -- Repair and Diagnosis in Ontology Networks
RadSem - Semantic Annotation and Retrieval for Medical Images
Ranking Approximate Answers to Semantic Web Queries
ReduCE - A Reduced Coulomb Energy Network Method for Approximate Classification
Reducing Ambiguity in Tagging Systems with Folksonomy Search Expansion
Relational Databases as Semantic Web Endpoints
Representing, Querying and Transforming Social Networks with RDF-SPARQL
SAscha - Supporting the Italian Public Cooperation System with a Rich Internet Application for Semantic Web Services
SCOVO - Using Statistics on the Web of Data
SIM-DLA - A Novel Semantic Similarity Measure for Description Logics Reducing Inter-Concept to Inter-Instance Similarity
Semanta - Semantic Email in Action
Semanta - Semantic Email made easy
Semantic Matching using the UMLS
Semantic Wiki Search
Supporting the Reuse of Global Unique Identifiers for Individuals in OWL-RDF Knowledge Bases
Tempus fugit - Towards an Ontology Update Language
The Personal Knowledge Workbench of the NEPOMUK Semantic Desktop
The Relevance of Reasoning and Alignment Incoherence in Ontology Matching
The Sile Model -- A Semantic File System Infrastructure for the Desktop
The XMediaBox - Sensemaking through the Use of Knowledge Lenses
Towards Linguistically Grounded Ontologies
Towards a Semantic Infrastructure for User Generated Mobile Services
Towards a Semantic Service Broker for Business Grid
Towards an agent based approach for verification of OWL-S process models
User Evaluation Study of a Tagging Approach to Semantic Mapping
Using partial reference alignments to align ontologies
Utilizing Semantics in the Production of iTV Shows
WSMX 1.0 - A Further Step Toward a Complete Semantic Execution Environment
Who the Heck is the Father of Bob
Word Sense Disambiguation for XML Structure Feature Generation

