
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

[译完] Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs - 4.8


4.8 Summary

This chapter presents the definition of rapid system prototyping as: “The development of system functionality at a pace faster than conventional development with an emphasis on design efficiency while balancing schedule compression activities with project risk.” Rapid prototyping addresses critical time-to-market and budget pressure issues.

The key system engineering topics and issues identified and addressed in this chapter include:

  • Design risk factors
  • Team communication
  • Design review
  • Budget and estimation
  • Training and support
  • Configuration management

This chapter stresses the importance of a defined, efficient and optimized FPGA design process for rapid system development efforts. It is essential to understand the common design issues and challenges design teams may encounter during a rapid development project. Common design issues and challenges are identified and discussed in this chapter. Having a defined FPGA design process helps reduce the number and impact of design errors on a rapid development project by providing a development control mechanism. Some of the mechanisms that may be put in place to establish and maintain control include design guidelines, official design procedures, configuration control, and design reviews.

Regular meetings can encourage team communication, which is essential to efficient project progress. Design reviews are important for identifying design issues early in the cycle before they can become difficult to remove or potentially affect project success. Design effort estimation and realistic budget creation are both critical to perceived project success at the management level. Team training can boost team morale and efficiency. Configuration management is a complex, challenging task that is often delayed or eliminated in rapid development efforts. Configuration control is, however, an essential system engineering factor.


这一章介绍了“快速系统原型开发”的概念:“以比传统开发更快的速度开发系统功能的过程,这一过程以 设计效率为着重点,同时还要在日程压缩和项目风险之间保持平衡。”快速原型开发解决了上市时间和预算压力这两个严峻的问题。


1. [endif]-->普遍的设计错 误和疏漏

  1. 设计风险因素
  2. 团队交流
  3. 设计评审
  4. 预算和评估
  5. 培训和支持
  6. 配置管理

这一章强调了定义清晰的、高效的和优化的FPGA设计过程对快速系统开发工作的重要性。理解设计团队在快速系统原型项目开发过程中可能会遇到的普遍 的设计错误和挑战是至关重要的。在这一章中指出和讨论了普遍的设计问题和挑战。定义清晰的FPGA设计过程通过提供一个开发过程控制机制,有助于减少设计错误的数量和减轻设计错误对快速开发项目的 影响。可以付诸实施的用以建立和保持对开发过程控制的机制包括,设计指导方针,正式的设计步骤,配置控制和设计评审。

例会可以鼓励团队交流,这对提高项目进展效率是必要的。设计评审对于在设计早期,在设计问题变得难以 移除或者潜在地影响项目成功之前发现这些问题是非常重要的。设计工作量评估和切合实际的预算制定,对于管理层评估项目的可行性都是关键的。团队培训可以提 高团队的士气和效率。配置管理是一个复杂的,具有挑战性的任务,在快速开发工作中经常会被推迟或者忽略。然而,配置控制是系统工程开发中必不可少的一个因 素。
