[译完] Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs - 4.4.1
0赞4.4.1Team Communication
Consider having regular informal coordination meetings. They do not have to be long, but they must be efficient and have designated leaders. They should address the following topics:
Design Meeting Topics
- [endif]-->What are the current design problems and issues? What approach is being taken? What alternatives are available if they are needed?
- What additional resources may be required?
- Should a parallel design approach be started?
An efficient team requires clear goals, priorities and objectives. Solid requirements, functional descriptions and well-defined interfaces are all important. Take time as early in the design cycle as possible to identify potential risk areas and project problem spots. Set aside resources to regularly and carefully monitor these identified problem areas and the factors associated with them. Develop contingency plans to help put a project back on track when problems have been identified.
4.4.1团队交 流
考虑召开经常性的非正式的项目协调会议。会议的时间不需要很长,但是必须高效并且指定会议领导者。会 议应该包括如下议题:
1. [endif]-->当前的进展如 何?下一步的工作是什么?
高效的团队需要清晰的目标、重点和目的。稳定的需求、功能描述和定义良好的接口都很重要。在设计周期 中尽早地花费一些时间来确认潜在的风险领域和项目疑难点。留出一些资源来经常和谨慎地监测这些疑难点以及与它们有联系的因素。建立应变计划,当发现问题时 可以使项目回到正轨上来。