
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.



Mon Apr 12 2010 17:34:34 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)A system-oriented approach to board-level power management
Mon Apr 12 2010 17:31:56 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)PRODUCT HOW-TO: How self-timing voltage detection can improve LCD TV power supply efficiency
Fri Mar 26 2010 10:21:49 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Disabling InterruptsAccessing shared resources is harder than one thinks
Fri Mar 26 2010 10:21:07 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Debugger Tips: 8 ways breakpoints can save your next software project
Fri Mar 26 2010 10:20:00 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)10 questions to ask when choosing a virtualization solution

Tue Mar 09 2010 09:34:57 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Ensuring the thermal integrity of your IC package/PC board design

Thu Feb 25 2010 13:58:36 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)The evolution of the general-purpose oscilloscopeThe move from analog to digital was just the first step in a long line of enhancements

Thu Feb 25 2010 13:56:56 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Hardware TestingBoard testing is harder than you think, but there are solutions

Sun Feb 07 2010 23:43:50 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)The differential-signal advantage for communications system designUnderstand how differential signal chains and architectures can improve system performance in challenging applications

Tue Jan 26 2010 21:11:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)Isolate your interface to communicate safely and betterUnderstand how galvanic isolation of signal and power can improve performance and safety of basic interfaces such as RS-485

Tue Jan 26 2010 21:09:55 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)S-parameters Without TearsUnderstand this increasingly critical measurement and its interpretations

Tue Jan 26 2010 21:07:55 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)System level transient voltage protection--Five in-depth answers to ESD questionsThe challenge of protecting today's systems from transient threats is more complex than ever before. Here are answers to important questions that can ensure that a system is adequately safeguarded against these damaging electrical transient threats.

Fri Jan 08 2010 01:56:27 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)A new approach to improving system performance

Thu Oct 08 2009 11:39:27 GMT+0800Improvement of libpcap for lossless packet capturing in Linux using PF_RING kernel patch

Thu Oct 08 2009 11:38:17 GMT+0800An Excelent fit, Sir!

Wed Sep 30 2009 19:40:56 GMT+0800Using your MCU's time processing unit as an on-chip logic analyzer

Mon Sep 28 2009 22:14:04 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)How to effectively use fan trays in electronic systems

Sun Sep 20 2009 21:47:52 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Fundamentals of Booting for Embedded Processors

Wed Aug 12 2009 22:26:19 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Debugging software/firmware using trace function re-usable components

Wed Aug 12 2009 22:10:42 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Serial Boot: An alternative way of booting SoC externally

Wed Aug 12 2009 22:09:55 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Embedded Instrumentation Integration Using IEEE Nexus 5001 and 1149.7

Mon Jul 27 2009 22:39:53 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)What makes embedded different?

Mon Jun 01 2009 02:39:12 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)The LIN-Bus and its contribution to eco-friendly vehicles

Mon Jun 01 2009 02:33:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Improving performance for dynamic memory allocation

Mon Jun 01 2009 02:03:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Protect PoE interfaces from differential-mode transient voltage threats

Mon Jun 01 2009 02:01:13 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Capturing and Debugging System Crashes

Tue Apr 14 2009 12:59:59 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Optimization of current-limiting solutions for USB 3.0

Tue Apr 14 2009 12:56:27 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Using software flashing to secure embedded device updates

Tue Apr 14 2009 12:55:36 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Who Killed My Battery?

Thu Mar 26 2009 22:10:01 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Memory system tradeoffs: embedded DRAM in SoCs, Chip-on-Board, multichip packages or memory modules

Mon Mar 16 2009 22:48:26 PDTMysterious data errors"It took more time to build the equipment than it did to find the problem!" "As it turned out, the engineers who designed the system did an excellent job, but they apparently had little or no communication with the person who did the PCB design."

Mon Feb 23 2009 13:29:47 UTC+0800How to measure audio quality in portable media players

Tue Jan 20 2009 15:29:59 UTC+0800Filter banks, part 1: Principles and design techniques

Thu Dec 11 2008 13:21:55 UTC+0800The software is the product

Sun Nov 30 2008 09:26:04 UTC+0800Open source in consumer electronics: What, why and how

Sun Nov 9 2008 08:48:44 UTC+0800Use Pre-Configured Device Drivers (PCD) to reduce embedded system memory footprintA very efficient and practical way!

Sun Nov 9 2008 08:47:00 UTC+0800Need a watchdog for improved system fault tolerance?

Fri Oct 3 2008 23:30:55 UTC+0800Don't believe everything you hear about RTOSes

Fri Oct 3 2008 23:30:14 UTC+0800How to transform silicon with dynamic reconfiguration

Wed Sep 17 2008 22:31:32 UTC+0800Dynamic reconfiguration is transforming the embedded world

Wed Sep 17 2008 22:30:33 UTC+0800Expanding the Embedded Universe: Migrating From IPv4 to IPv6

Fri Aug 29 2008 12:34:25 UTC+0800Image capture and processing challenges--and solutions--in portable designs

Thu Aug 28 2008 12:41:55 UTC+0800In-system programming of FLASH via control unit application

Thu Aug 28 2008 12:40:25 UTC+0800A primer on extending serial ports in embedded designs

Sat Aug 23 2008 15:45:41 UTC+0800Embedded Books Reading Room

Sun Aug 17 2008 14:17:06 UTC+0800HDMI's Lip Sync and audio-video synchronization for broadcast and home video

Sat Jun 14 2008 08:20:41 UTC+0800To accelerate or not to accelerate...

Sat Jun 14 2008 09:02:01 UTC+0800Tutorial on 802.11n PHY layer

Sun Jun 29 2008 20:01:40 UTC+0800Design Challenges Drive Need for New Routing Architecture

Sun Jun 29 2008 20:12:37 UTC+0800Leveraging virtual hardware platforms for embedded software validation

Sun Jun 29 2008 20:15:19 UTC+0800Microkernels rule!

Sun Jun 29 2008 20:16:16 UTC+0800Benchmarking basics

Wed Dec 19 2007 13:09:26Jitter, Noise, and Signal Integrity at High-Speed: A Tutorial

Jitter peaking and PLLs

Tue Jan 8 2008 17:38:47 UTC+0800错误检测与纠正电路的设计与实现

Wed Jan 23 2008 13:49:48 UTC+0800MEN Micro extends universal-submodule conceptSOPC的新应用——总线桥

Fri Jan 25 2008 15:37:30 UTC+08008-bit microcontroller implements digital lowpass filter

Roll back the lead-free initiative: 12 ROHS mythsBy Howard Johnson, PhD -- EDN, 9/13/2007

Distributed linear regulators increase output currentTop-down DSP design for FPGAs

FPGA的青春之泉—— 安全的现场升级技术

Demystifying multithreading and multi-core

What does '45-nm' mean, anyway?


A New Approach to In-System Silicon Validation and Debug

Selecting op amps运算放大器一直是令我困惑的模拟器件。

Design tip: Model instruments to improve signal integrity simulation模型与真实世界 的近似程度决定了模拟的可信性。

SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) 技术详解

PCI Express总线技术白皮书

Ethernet and Multimedia Applications - The History and the Future

Partitioning applications across multiple cores

Researcher's methodology eases VLSI-layout updatesMain-memory size continues to rise, but at a far lower rate than the size and complexity of VLSI devices. Thus VLSI tools must consider external-memory management.多么有趣的现象,虚拟器件的建模受到了真实器件快速扩展的影响,进而影响到了进行虚拟器件建模机器的性能。这一问题应该不只存在于 VLSI领域,应该在整个EDA领域普遍存在,其解决方法也不仅限于应用在这一领域。这一问题值得思考。


基于FPGA的微处理器内核设计与实现,我在本科和硕士期间的毕业设计就是8051软核开发和优化,结论和这篇 文章差不多,LE在3000左右,速度在30MHZ/12cycle。这个设计的优点可能在于寄存器组的多端口访问。


Designing with QDRII+ and QDRII in one system,虽然可以直接指导实践,但是现在还用不上,就当作原理性的文章读 吧。

Evolving passive optical networks (PONs) demand FPGA design flexibility
