
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.



Thu Mar 11 2010 13:19:10 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Viewpoint: Your future is programmable

Sun Feb 07 2010 18:22:39 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)分 析师:丢了晶圆厂就丢了成功的支柱

Tue Jan 19 2010 21:52:01 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)EDA from "soft business to competitive business"

Mon Dec 28 2009 00:46:02 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)Viewpoint: Caution, objects in the crystal ball are closer than you think

Thu Oct 01 2009 07:25:55 GMT+0800Viewpoint: Why programmability is now a game changer

Mon Aug 31 2009 01:34:40 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)From 2009 to 2020: A history of developments in programmability

Wed Aug 12 2009 22:14:56 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)The 'big three' EDA execs speak in 'one voice'

Thu Jun 11 2009 18:25:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Accellera, Spirit Consortium merger hints at future of ESL design

Mon Jun 01 2009 02:02:33 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Feedback: 6 critical keys to IP licensing success

Thu Apr 23 2009 22:11:37 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Altium slashes price on 'unified' design tool

Tue Apr 14 2009 13:04:35 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)From math to reality: the story of memristors

Tue Apr 14 2009 12:58:57 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)Four questions on design using social networks

Wed Mar 25 2009 22:06:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)Does branding matter in the semi industry?

Wed Mar 18 2009 21:57:02 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)低調拳王,奇襲全球 台灣IC設計,世界不能沒有他們

Mon Feb 16 2009 18:13:32 UTC+0800Opinion: The illegitimacy of electronics

Sat Dec 13 2008 21:11:35 UTC+0800EDA tools for FPGAs running out of gas

Sat Dec 13 2008 20:55:41 UTC+0800Freescale bets heavy on embedded

Sat Nov 29 2008 19:20:30 UTC+0800Opinion: EDA is not well -- where is it heading?

Tue Nov 11 2008 06:48:39 UTC+08002008 to 2028: Twenty more years of achievement in embedded systemsLOOKING BACK FROM THE FUTURE, THIS IS WHAT I OFTEN DO!

Sun Nov 9 2008 09:00:16 UTC+0800What will next generation embedded design look like?

Mon Sep 22 2008 12:09:31 UTC+0800Comment: Processor vendors must invest in algorithms

Wed Sep 3 2008 23:33:48 UTC+0800HFame Academy for Engineers?Serve the society better with better engineers.

Wed Sep 3 2008 23:33:24 UTC+0800Disruptive Technology?Serve the engineers better with simpler tools.

Thu Aug 28 2008 13:24:06 UTC+0800China readies first multicore Godson CPUs

Thu Aug 28 2008 12:36:33 UTC+08006 reasons why Steve Jobs' health is not a 'private matter'

Mon Aug 25 2008 22:03:46 UTC+0800Need for EMC testing benefits spectrum-analyzer market

Sat Jul 12 2008 16:45:36 UTC+0800Cell phones helping cell phones

Sat Jul 12 2008 16:38:27 UTC+0800Shrinking standards squeeze embedded designs

Sat Jul 12 2008 16:36:52 UTC+0800How the Web Was Won An Oral History of the Internet

Thu Jul 10 2008 21:27:07 UTC+0800ESL handoff: closer than you thinkSomeday.

Thu Jul 10 2008 20:37:42 UTC+0800Two good British deals, and the advent of Mentorence资本在于流动。

集 成电路业:最缺领军人才


ARM and Altera
Why You Should Care越来越有趣了

Coverity raises static analysis for codes a notch

09/06/2007 Mentor Graphics Offers PCI Express Controller and AMBA Bridge IP的确很 酷,看来PCIe作为芯片间的互联标准的时代也快来了。其实又何止芯片之间,设备与设备之间也能利用这种高速传输方式。AMBA 3 AXI Bridge

Another advance in high-level synthesis

所有的事情自己做,还是都交给计算机去做?最好的方式是 由人脑做高层次的设计和决策,由电脑去做有可循之规的底层操作,最好还能人脑——电脑商量着来。这样的EDA在获得自动化的同时,才没有失去灵活性。这才 是真正的控制。

PRODUCT HOW-TO: Use ARM DBX hardware extensions to accelerate Java in space-constrained embedded apps在一期ARM IQ上看到过类似的文章,细读了一遍,感想颇丰,有机会一定要整理出来。Java虚拟机的硬件实现、CPU的指令集扩展、Java字节码的模拟执行、动态 编译技术,这些概念太有趣了。


Viewpoint: RTL-ers should move to ESLRTL 仍然有用武之地,而ESL的学习和掌握又不是那么简单,盲目跟风不可取;话虽如此,从个人技术发展和企业的长期绩效来看,掌握和应用ESL又是大势所趋。 个人的技术发展和行业的技术发展应该有相同的模式,先掌握RTL,基础要扎实,然后学习ESL,平稳过渡。跳跃发展要不得。

Mechatronics-based embedded design

Accellera VHDL Standard

Scope: IEDM, software-debugging via hardware

龙芯百万量级规模生产启动 凭什么走向世界


NEC Electronics: Will it sink or swim?

Embedded design without hard barriers


Wed Jan 2 2008 13:42:57 UTC+0800大唐电信集团重组走向渐清 TD盛宴还是苦局

High noon for FPGAs: Low-cost-versus- high-end showdown

CoWare Introduces ESL 2.0

Altera's Nios II FPGA soft processor core now available for standard cell ASIC designs从FPGA到structured ASIC,从structured ASIC到standard cell ASIC;一小步和一大步;迈出家门,走向世界。Nios终于从玩具变成了工具。Boys II Men.

Using Serial RapidIO for FPGA co-processing最近一直为SOPC Builder着迷,毕竟并行总线的设计和构造太复杂了些,日思夜想地想要把它的互连能力发挥到极限;这篇文章介绍了利用串行总线的交换实现复杂的系统互 连;其实想想也对,以太网发展了那么多年,够成熟了,什么样的难题没遇上过?循着它的思路设计的串行连接,自然也应该利用上它的交换技术啊。

Reference designs worldwide: understanding the IP imbalance一篇介绍行业现状的好文章,不同区域的 工程师,由于其技术积累和产品特性不同,对参考设计采取了不同的使用方法和态度。在技术积累上,我们国家整个IC行业仍然处于幼年时期,通过参考设计学习 先进技术、解决实际矛盾是必由之路,逐步增加技术积累也是我们中国IC设计业谋求发展的不二法门。

芯片设计业不满海外市场估值 A股上市冲动


联 想提前两年放弃IBM品牌 背后大有深意

D&R building a connected IP world世界范围内的信息共享

EDA ESL startup Imperas close to launch虚拟原形,是ESL的一个重要部分,拭目以待这个新产品的发布。

Creating a Market这个虚拟原形终于发布了,而且开源、免费。这意味着什么呢?

The changing outsourcing landscape in China设计外包不是新闻了,看看国内谁在做?

IBM licenses 45-nm bulk CMOS process to SMIC我们国家也有能力生产这么前沿的芯片了,如何利用好它?

Innovation as differentiation: A fireside chat with Wim RoelandtsXilinx的老CEO能否 预言成真?

Chip makers must shift from fabs to systems

Wed Jan 23 2008 09:35:44 UTC+0800Book delves into serial ports; they never were “obsolete”我很久以前买过一本《串行端口大全》,现在出第二版了。看来串口技术的生命力真的很强。

Wed Jan 23 2008 09:36:59 UTC+0800IPextreme Core Store simplifies IP shoppingLet's goIP shopping!

Wed Jan 23 2008 09:43:08 UTC+0800Wed Jan 23 2008盛美开云棋牌官网在线客服落户张江 芯片设备垄断有望打破Finally!

Mon Feb 25 2008 13:13:11 UTC+0800As SOCs grow, test-and-measurement instruments move on-chip

Tue Mar 4 2008 17:03:19 UTC+0800Sun to guide IC curriculum development for China’s universities多好的条件,让人羡慕,孩子们好好学啊。

Mon Mar 24 2008 11:50:21 UTC+0800Synopsys acquires Synplicity情理之中,意料之外!

Sat May 3 2008 19:33:36 UTC+0800国产CPU何以垄断高端MP4市场

Sat May 3 2008 21:06:50 UTC+080010-GbE in the mainstream

Sun May 18 2008 20:42:38 UTC+0800ESC keynoters: Soon, all design will be embedded design

Sun May 18 2008 20:47:25 UTC+0800EDA Commandments are Upon Us

Sat Jun 14 2008 08:32:25 UTC+0800Engineering salaries and ages

Sat Jun 14 2008 08:34:53 UTC+0800Top 20 risk factors for tech companies

Sat Jun 14 2008 08:36:18 UTC+0800Engineering Outsourcing 101

Sat Jun 14 2008 08:39:18 UTC+0800$200 million for one FPGA?

Sat Jun 14 2008 09:03:37 UTC+0800Thought-control headset to ship late 2008

Sun Jun 29 2008 21:28:04 UTC+0800From system-level design to hardware prototypes

Sun Jun 29 2008 21:33:40 UTC+0800Thought-control headset to ship late 2008
