
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.




也许你会发现,承认自己对System Verilog一无所知比花些功夫学习这门语言还要困难(与其为自己还没有掌握System Verilog而暗自苦恼,还不如花些功夫实际地学习这门语言)。其实,只要我们工程师们不遗余力地去学习而不是一味地护短的话,我们可能永远不会被这些问题困扰。我们的知识就会像分形填满二维平面一样,从核心概念开始,循序渐进地拓展开来,不会遗漏哪怕最微小的细节。我们永远不会因为急功近利而忽略那些更重要的概念和技巧。我们永远不会越过无法返身的那一点-- 一知半解,耻于下问。”

上面是我翻译的Kevin Morris 的又一篇力作中的两段,恭请大家阅读。如果大家觉得翻译得驴唇不对马嘴的话,还请看下面精彩的三段原文,如实摘录(Ctrl+C)。我还是把这篇blog发在FPGA版,但是希望其他版的博友们有空看看--这不是一篇关于FPGA的文章,这是一篇关于 engineer的文章。

希望我们大家永远不要pass that point of no return。

Technology is big - enormously big. We could spend every waking moment of our lives studying diligently in and around our area of expertise, and we'd still have holes in our knowledge. Not small, insignificant holes. No, these are huge glaring gaps. We protect those gaps with a passion. We guard them as if they held the very treasure of our professional credibility. We focus on the locus of those vulnerabilities and reinforce the defenses around them with all of our emotional resources. If someone discovers our secret, we feel, we will be exposed, shattered, ruined.

It might turn out that it's more work to worry about the fact that you don't know anything about System Verilog than it is to actually learn System Verilog. In fact, if we engineers always acted out of efficiency rather than ego protection, we might never have these problems at all. Our knowledge would expand like a fractal, starting with the core concepts and working its way in an orderly fashion out to the finest details. We would never skip over an important concept or skill on our way to the practical details of a less significant one. We would never pass that point of no return – the point where we feel we should know something already, and so are too embarrassed to go back and learn it.

But, this is the birth of the hole – the start of the secret – the speck of sand that makes its way into the oyster of our professional ego. We guard it like a terrible treasure and nurture it as it grows. We become skilled at subterfuge, adept at avoidance, masters of misdirection.
