
My note of how to use QAR file


How to Use Quartus II Design Examples

These design examples contain links to a downloadable executable file (.exe), zipped file (.zip), or Quartus II project archived (.qar) file. These files contain all of the necessary design and project files to use the example. To use the examples, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the download link
  2. Save the file to your hard disk
  3. Run the .exeor extract the .zip/.qar

If the project is a Quartus file:

  1. Open the Quartus II software and chooseOpen Project(from the File menu)
  2. Select the design example <filename>.quartus file

If the project is a QAR file:(my note)

  1. Open the Quartus II software and chooseRestore Archived Project(from the Project menu)
  2. In the Archive Name field, browse to the design example <filename>.qar file
  3. In the Destination Folder field, browse to a destination folder
  4. SelectOK